Buying Pre-Written and Pre-Formatted Articulate Storyline eLearning Courses

The benefits of buying off-the-shelf Articulate Courses

Whether you are a corporate trainer, an educator, or an instructional designer, delivering engaging and effective training content is key. With the rise of eLearning tools like Articulate Storyline, many organisations now have the ability to create custom courses. But here’s the question: should you invest time and resources in developing courses from scratch, or should you consider purchasing pre-written and pre-formatted courses?

Here, we’ll explore why buying pre-designed Articulate Storyline eLearning courses may be the better route for you.

1. Saves Time and Resources

Building an eLearning course from the ground up can be incredibly time-consuming. From writing the content to designing the layout and interactive elements, each step requires a significant investment of time. According to industry research, it can take an instructional designer up to 49 hours to develop just one hour of standard eLearning content. Now, imagine the time required for a more complex, interactive course.

Purchasing pre-written Articulate Storyline courses eliminates the need for this prolonged development process. The content is already created, designed, and formatted, allowing your team to focus on other essential tasks like reviewing or modifying the content to suit your specific audience, rather than starting from scratch.

2. Cost-Effective Solution

Developing custom eLearning content in-house is not only time-intensive but also costly. When you factor in the cost of hiring subject matter experts, instructional designers, graphic designers, and developers, the price can quickly escalate.

Pre-designed Articulate Storyline courses, on the other hand, offer a much more affordable alternative. Since these courses are designed to be reused across industries, you can purchase them at a fraction of the cost of creating something entirely new. Additionally, the scalability of pre-built content means you can deploy it across your organisation with minimal additional expenses.

3. High-Quality Design and Interactivity

When you purchase pre-built Articulate Storyline courses, you are getting content developed by experts in the field. These courses are designed by professional instructional designers and developers who specialise in creating engaging and interactive eLearning experiences.

Pre-built Storyline courses often come with various interactive features such as quizzes, drag-and-drop activities, and scenario-based learning—elements that can be quite difficult and time-consuming to design from scratch. These features ensure that the learner remains engaged throughout the course, leading to better retention of information.

4. Easy Customisation

One of the most significant advantages of using Articulate Storyline is its flexibility, and this extends to pre-written courses as well. While the courses come fully designed and formatted, they are still customisable. You can easily tweak the content to align with your organisation’s specific needs, whether it’s adding your branding, modifying examples to reflect real-life scenarios in your industry, or tailoring quizzes to be more relevant.

This balance between pre-built structure and easy customisation allows you to have a semi-custom course without having to deal with the labour-intensive process of building everything from scratch.

5. Immediate Deployment

Need to roll out training fast? Pre-written Articulate Storyline courses offer the convenience of immediate deployment. Once purchased, these courses can be uploaded into your Learning Management System (LMS) and assigned to learners right away.

This quick turnaround can be particularly advantageous for organisations that need to train staff on time-sensitive topics like compliance, new software tools, or company policies. Instead of waiting months for a course to be developed, you can start training employees within days or even hours of purchase.

6. Consistency in Training

When developing courses from scratch, maintaining consistency across various modules and topics can be challenging. Different instructional designers may have different design approaches, and subject matter experts may have varying writing styles. This can lead to inconsistencies in course delivery, which may confuse learners.

Pre-built Articulate Storyline courses offer a standardised approach, ensuring that the same design, tone, and interactivity levels are maintained throughout the entire course. This is crucial for organisations looking to deliver a uniform learning experience, especially for compliance training or large-scale onboarding programmes.

Pre-formatted Articulate courses

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7. Tested and Proven Content

Pre-written eLearning courses have often been tested and refined through real-world use. This means that the content is not just theoretically good but has been validated in practical learning environments. Bugs have been fixed, and design tweaks have been made to optimise learner engagement.

In contrast, when building courses from scratch, you often go through a trial-and-error process, which can extend timelines and increase costs. Buying pre-formatted courses helps you avoid these growing pains.

8. Access to a Broad Range of Topics

Pre-written Articulate Storyline courses are available on a wide variety of topics, from soft skills like communication and leadership to technical skills like software training and compliance. This means you can easily find high-quality courses that fit the specific needs of your organisation without having to hire subject matter experts for each new course.

For industries that require frequent updates to content—such as healthcare, finance, or IT—purchasing pre-built courses ensures that your team is always up-to-date with the latest best practices and regulations.

9. Reduced Stress and Pressure on Your Team

Developing custom eLearning content puts immense pressure on your internal team. From managing deadlines to ensuring quality, the process can be overwhelming, especially if your team is small or inexperienced with instructional design.

By opting for pre-written and pre-designed Articulate Storyline courses, you alleviate much of this stress. Your team can focus on improving and delivering the course rather than getting bogged down in the complexities of course development. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and better results overall.

10. Disrupt’s Extensive Range of Off-the-Shelf Articulate Courses

At Disrupt, we understand the importance of providing high-quality, ready-to-deploy eLearning solutions. That’s why we offer a vast selection of off-the-shelf Articulate Storyline courses across a wide range of subjects, ensuring that whatever your training needs are, we’ve got you covered.

Our course library includes topics that span numerous industries, including compliance, leadership, soft skills, health and safety, IT, and more. Whether you’re looking to onboard new employees, provide compliance training, or upskill your staff, our pre-written courses offer expertly developed content that can be deployed immediately or customised to fit your specific requirements.

What makes our courses stand out is not only the breadth of topics available but also the depth of content. Each course is designed with engaging multimedia, interactivity, and real-world scenarios, ensuring learners remain engaged while absorbing critical information. Plus, because all our courses are developed in Articulate Storyline, they are fully compatible with your existing Learning Management System (LMS), allowing for seamless integration and deployment.

Choosing Disrupt means you get access to professionally crafted, SCORM-compliant eLearning content without the need to spend months developing it. Our extensive course catalogue ensures that you can find the right training solution for your organisation quickly and efficiently, saving both time and resources.

Start downloading off the shelf Articulate courses

While custom-built eLearning courses have their place, purchasing pre-written and pre-designed Articulate Storyline courses offers a variety of benefits that are hard to ignore. From saving time and reducing costs to providing high-quality, interactive, and easily customisable content, these courses enable organisations to meet their training needs quickly and efficiently.

For businesses and educators looking to provide engaging, consistent, and immediate eLearning experiences, pre-written Articulate Storyline courses are a valuable investment.

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